21 Tips on How to Improve Your Pickleball Doubles Game

Pickleball doubles game is an intriguing and engaging sport that demands not just physical fitness but also strategic acumen.

Excelling in this sport often poses a challenge for many, as it requires a perfect harmony between athleticism, strategic planning, and teamwork.

Mastering the intricacy of the doubles game can seem daunting, nevertheless, it is entirely achievable with the right guidance.

This blog aims to equip players, regardless of skill level, with effective strategies to improve their doubles game.

We will delve into various tips and tactics that enrich your understanding and boost your performance on the court.

Prepare to enrich your gameplay, maximize your potential and drastically enhance your doubles game performance.

Tips On How To Improve Your Pickleball Doubles Game

1. Practice Precise Shot Placement

The strategic placement of your shots is an invaluable skill in improving your pickleball doubles game.

Constructing your shots to precise areas on the court forces your opponents into difficult defensive positions.

Effective shot placement can therefore give you control of the game and provide you and your partner with opportunities to attack weakened defenses.

Consider using drills that target your ability to place shots with precision and accuracy.

Stick to drills that focus on the corners and non-volley zone, this will enable you to not only hit with precision but also to direct the game.

Predictability is detrimental in a game of pickleball, hence shot variation is crucial.

Varying your shot placement ensures your opponents are always kept guessing and no patterns are established.

Placement over power not only enhances control of the game but also minimizes errors.

By prioritizing placement over power, you force opponents to return difficult shots, thereby increasing their chances of making errors.

Focusing on placement also reduces your unforced errors and keeps the ball in play for longer periods.

Do not stress if you do not get it right at first, as getting the perfect shot requires consistent practice.

Remember, practice makes perfect, and the more you train, the better your shot placement will be.

It is also advisable to review and learn from your mistakes to understand how to improve your shot placements.

When practicing, focus on being patient as rushing may lead to over-hitting or other mistakes.

The Last Pickleball Serve Tutorial You Will Ever Need - Enhance Pickleball

Need further guidance?

Watching the attached video will provide visual examples on various shot-techniques and strategies.

Observe the players’ shot placement and how it influences the dynamics of the game.

This will surely give you an advantage in understanding how to masterfully place your shots during pickleball doubles.

2. Improve Your Serve Accuracy

Working on your serve accuracy is an integral aspect of improving your pickleball doubles game.

It is important to remember that the serve is the only shot in the game where you have full control, so it provides a good opportunity to set the tone of the play.

One of the best ways to enhance your serve accuracy is through regular and consistent practice.

You can set up targeted areas in your court and aim for these during your training sessions.

This practice will help you to not only improve your aim but also increase your understanding of how direction, power, and spin affect the trajectory of the ball.

Besides general practice, it’s beneficial to work with a qualified coach who can provide professional advice and guidance to fine-tune your serving tactics.

A coach’s expert eye can identify any issues with your serve mechanics that may be affecting your accuracy.

Their experience and knowledge can also help you to understand and apply advanced serving techniques.

Another way to improve your serve accuracy is by watching and learning from experienced players.

Observing their serve styles, methods and the strategies they use can provide valuable insights.

You can then incorporate these techniques into your own game, but always ensure they suit your play style and capabilities.

In addition to honing your serving skills, it’s important to develop a pre-serve routine.

A routine can help reduce pressure and nervousness, particularly in competitive situations, leading to more accurate serves.

You might want to take a deep breath, bounce the ball a couple of times, or visualize your serve before executing it.

Such routines are subjective and can vary from one player to another, so it is crucial to find one that works best for you.

Remember, accuracy always trumps power in pickleball.

A well-aimed, controlled serve is more likely to create difficulties for opponents than a powerful, yet aimless serve.

In conclusion, improving your serve accuracy is a blend of regular practice, professional coaching, observational learning, establishing a pre-serve routine, and emphasizing control over power.

By focusing on these areas, you stand a good chance of significantly enhancing your serve accuracy, and by extension, your overall pickleball doubles game.

3. Master the Non-Volley Zone

The non-volley zone, also known as the kitchen, is a critical area on the pickleball court that requires mastery for optimal doubles gameplay.

Understanding the function and rules of the non-volley zone is the first step to mastering this crucial aspect of the game.

A player may not volley the ball, meaning hit it in the air without letting it bounce, while standing in the non-volley zone.

This rule significantly changes the dynamic of the game and requires strategic shot placement and movement.

Using the non-volley zone effectively can give you a strategic advantage over opponents.

When you get used to the non-volley zone, you’re able to force your opponents to make difficult shots, further increasing your chances of scoring.

Successfully controlling the kitchen can also increase your chances of forcing unforced errors from your opponents, another way to quickly rack up points.

It’s important to practice both offensive and defensive plays from the non-volley zone.

My BEST Pickleball Strategies (to win a lot more)

If you’re a visual learner, watching this video will help you understand the strategic use of the non-volley zone in a game scenario.

The video will also show you some effective techniques that you can incorporate into your own game to master the non-volley zone.

When playing in the kitchen, smooth and controlled footwork is crucial.

Maintaining a balanced and stable position can make it easier to return shots and quickly move out of the non-volley zone when necessary.

Remember, patience is key when playing near the kitchen.

Precision should be prioritized over power, as the goal is to leave your opponents with limited options for their return shot.

Regular practice is key to mastering the non-volley zone.

Consider setting up specific drills to increase your comfort and skill level in this area of the court.

4. Communicate Effectively With Your Partner

When playing pickleball doubles, one crucial skill to work on is your ability to communicate effectively with your partner.

Proper communication can make a significant difference between winning and losing a game.

In pickleball, it’s essential to keep your partner informed about what you’re planning to do, what shots you’re intending to play, or even if you’re feeling out of breath and need a break.

Open and continuous communication with your partner can help both of you anticipate each other’s moves, thus making your team more efficient and in sync on the court.

Good communication can help you strategize better, improving the overall performance of your team.

This statement emphasizes the vital role communication plays in a successful doubles game.

When you communicate strategies and plans with your partner, the game becomes easier to manage, enabling you to perform more effectively on the court.

Communicating also eliminates the chances of both players going for the same ball, which usually results in an unnecessary loss of a point.

While on the court, you and your partner should develop a system of non-verbal cues, such as specific movements, signals, or even glances to deliver messages to each other quickly.

Using these non-verbal signals reduces wasted time having to discuss each shot or strategy explicitly and keeps the game flowing smoothly.

But remember, communication in pickleball is not just verbal or non-verbal cues; it also includes body language and mutual understanding.

If your partner missed an easy shot or made a mistake, even a simple pat on the back might be enough to communicate that it’s okay, and you need to move on and focus on the next point.

Building such understanding and trust between partners is invaluable in a pickleball game.

But effective communication does not just happen.

It’s a skill that needs to be developed with patience and regular practice with your partner.

Always remember that negative communication or criticizing your partner for mistakes can jeopardize your team spirit.

Constructive criticism is welcome, but it should always be done in a supportive manner to help rather than harm your team dynamic.

Proper communication on the court can be a game-changer, giving your team an extra edge over the opponents.

So never overlook this crucial aspect of your pickleball doubles game.

In the end, the core of a great doubles team in pickleball is a partner who communicates effectively and supports each other.

5. Play with Different Partners to Learn New Strategies

The game of pickleball, specifically doubles, entails a strategic and dynamic play style.

One effective way to enhance your appreciation of the game and your skill set is to play with different partners.

Partners in pickleball bring with them unique strengths, styles, tactics, and input.

By playing with various partners, you expose yourself to this diversity, opening doors to broadening your understanding of the game.

This approach contributes to your development not only as an individual player but also as a cooperative and competitive team player.

Each different partner you play with will introduce you to unique strategies and give you insights into different playing styles.

When you immerse yourself in a diverse playing environment, you adapt, learn, grow, and ultimately enhance and expand your pickleball doubles game.

This sentence doesn’t merely highlight the significance of playing with different partners.

It emphasizes that adapting to varying situations and styles further fosters your growth as a player, widening your tactical repertoire.

You become not only aware of the different strategies utilized in the game, but you also learn how to counter them.

Moreover, you get to experiment with strategies that work well with different partners.

This opportunity to experiment diversifies your skill set and your strategic approach to matches.

Playing with various partners also fosters your adaptability on the court, a critical element in pickleball.

Every game is different, and having the flexibility to adjust your style and tactics depending on your partner will give you an indispensable edge.

Top 10 Pickleball Tips For Players Of All Levels

This useful video enhances the points that we’ve discussed.

Within it, you’ll see how the pros adapt to the different strategies and styles of their partners.

By viewing real game scenarios, you’ll learn more on how to modify your gameplay accordingly, to complement the strengths and styles of your different partners.

Playing with different partners is not simply a way to broaden your horizons.

It’s about embracing the diversity of the game, learning from it, and utilizing those lessons to elevate your skill and strategy in pickleball doubles.

Remember, the essence of doubles is teamwork.

In exploring the dynamics with various partners, you aren’t just learning new strategies; you’re molding yourself into a versatile player and an invaluable team player.

6. Use Dinking to Control the Game

Understanding the power of dinking in pickleball doubles play can revolutionize your game strategy and control over the court.

First off, it’s essential to recognize that dinking is not merely a random shot but a strategic play used to control the pace of the game.

A well-placed dink can potentially disrupt the rhythm of the opposing team, forcing them to change their position and opening up the court for more aggressive shots.

Significantly, a well-mastered dink shot can reduce the opposing team’s options, making them more predictable and ultimately easier to outmaneuver.

This strategy is beneficial when you want to slow down a game against aggressive opponents, or when you need to buy some time to recalibrate your team’s strategy.

Weaving dinking into your gameplay doesn’t only enhance control, but also fosters patience and precision.

Executing a perfect dink requires a gentle touch and a good understanding of the non-volley zone.

Moreover, mastering the dink will help you minimize unforced errors and keep the ball in play, which is crucial in a doubles pickleball game.

While it may seem like a passive or defensive shot, the dink can be used as an offensive weapon to strategically shift game momentum.

By forcing your opponents to always anticipate a potential dink, you can keep them off balance and then surprise them with a different shot.

Notably, dinking is not a separate component of the game but should be integrated into your overall game strategy and flow.

Improving your dinking strategy requires regular practice, especially since it involves controlling your strike’s pace and making accurate shot placements.

Adopting a well-rounded approach where dinks, drives, lobs, and volleys all work in synergy can help you control the game and maintain an edge over the opposition.

Cultivating an instinct of when to deploy a dink and when to switch to a harder shot is an important part of strategic pickleball.

Remember that the power of dinking lies in its ability to disrupt and confuse, so using it judiciously can create a significant advantage in your doubles game.

In conclusion, the art of dinking has immense potential for strategic gameplay, and mastering it can greatly contribute to improving your doubles pickleball game.

7. Focus on Keeping the Ball in Play

When playing pickleball doubles, one major aspect that could improve your game is focusing on keeping the ball in play .

This seemingly straightforward tactic can greatly up your chances of winning points and eventually the match.

Retaining control of the ball and making sure it crosses to the other side is the basic premise on which the game is built.

Every time the ball is in your court, it’s an opportunity for you to dictate the play and outmaneuver your opponents.

The objective is not only to return the ball but to return it in a manner that makes it difficult for your opponents to respond.

One way to achieve this is tactical positioning.

Understanding the dynamics of the court and knowing where to place the shot can keep you a step ahead in the game.

Accomplishing this requires a lot of practice and understanding of the ball’s movement.

Another key element is precision.

It’s not about hitting the ball with all your might, but about hitting it right.

An efficacious shot is one that manages to stay within the court parameters, discomfits your adversaries and makes it challenging for them to return.

Therefore, focusing on shot accuracy rather than power can be beneficial in the long run.

Also, being patient and resilient in hitting the ball back repeatedly until your opponents miss is another great strategy.

It’s about playing the waiting game and seizing the right opportunity instead of rushing into making a shot.

Remember, the longer the ball is in play, the more chances you have of scoring.

7 KEY Ways To Keep The Ball LOW In Pickleball (So You Can Prevent An Attack Before It Happens)

Through this video, you can watch more closely and learn effective ways to keep the ball in play.

It provides step-by-step methodologies and techniques to help you master controlling the ball during a match.

8. Learn from Your Mistakes and Losses

When working to improve your pickleball doubles game, it’s crucial to learn from your mistakes and losses.

Nobody likes to lose, but losing can actually be an effective teacher if you let it.

Each loss provides an opportunity to examine your gameplay, analyze your mistakes, and make the necessary corrections.

This includes understanding what went wrong and finding ways to avoid repeating the same errors in future matches.

Another beneficial aspect of learning from your mistakes is that it can help you in identifying your weak spots.

Once you have identified these areas, you can work on developing strategies and enhancing your skills to strengthen them.

Different kinds of mistakes may require different forms of correction.

Some might be due to a lapse in concentration, others might be a result of faulty technique or lack of strategic play.

Recognizing the source of the mistake is the first step towards rectifying it.

This process of continual reflection and improvement will play a substantial role in enabling you toenhance your overall game.

The ability to self-criticize, accept criticism and learn from it, is a trait of a good player.

As earlier stated, being receptive to criticism is an integral part of growth.

Moreover, when players are prepared to receive constructive criticism, their willingness to learn and adapt their gameplay increases, potentially leading to a more refined and successful game strategy.

It would also be beneficial if you considered recording your matches.

Reviewing these recordings can give you a better perspective on how you and your partner perform under different circumstances.

By evaluating these videos, you can gain a more comprehensive understanding of your strengths and weaknesses, leading to a more informed approach to rectifying your mistakes.

Learning from your failures doesn’t just apply to pickleball but also can be applied in various aspects of life.

In any competitive environment, it’s inevitable to face adversity.

However, the key to overcoming this adversity and improving invariably lies in one’s abilities to learn and grow from setbacks.

It may be frustrating to acknowledge your mistakes on the court, but without recognizing and addressing these errors, there will be little room for improvement.

It’s a common misconception to think that the best players are the ones who make the fewest mistakes.

However, the actual best players are the ones who learn the most from their mistakes.

Therefore, instead of getting discouraged by your faults in a match, consider them as opportunities for progress and a better game performance.

Always remember that every professional player was once an amateur, and the difference between the two can often be chalked up to how effectively they learned from their mistakes.

So, start learning from your past errors, and over time, you’ll find your game improving in ways you wouldn’t have imagined.

Remember, pickleball is also a mental game, and showing resilience towards past failures can significantly boost your confidence and improve your future performance.

9. Focus on Proper Footwork

In pickleball, the importance of proper footwork cannot be overstressed; it forms the bedrock of effective execution of shots and quick responses.

Positioning your feet correctly provides the right balance needed to effectively return shots and contribute to the game’s overall fluidity.

Proactive footwork also allows players to respond to opponents’ shots with minimal delay, ensuring that they are not caught off guard.

Get into the habit of practicing lateral movement exercises off court as this will significantly improve your on-court footwork.

One must also acknowledge the necessity of having a stable foot positioning when attempting to make a shot.

Proper footwork helps a player to quickly adapt and relocate when the ball is fast approaching.

It is essential to always maintain a low, athletic stance while playing, as this allows for easier lateral movement and quick changes in direction.

Footwork techniques in pickleball allow players to get to the ball quicker and into a hitting position faster, improving their shots’ effectiveness.

Remember that effective footwork forms the foundation for all the other skills you need in the game.

Good footwork can drastically improve your game performance, as shots will be much more fluid, quick, and accurate.

Many consider it the key to achieving optimal performance as it allows the players to position themselves better, respond quicker, and thus gain an advantage over their opponents.

Consider including agility drills in your training regimen to improve your footwork.

This will enhance your movement speed and accuracy, making it tougher for the opponents to predict your next move.

How to Play Better Pickleball FAST with Smart Footwork | Pickleball Strategy & Pickleball Drills

Insights on improving your footwork are available in this insightful video which players might find particularly helpful.

It demonstrates real-time practical examples of strong footwork which can significantly enhance your double game in Pickleball.

Mastering footwork will undoubtedly make you a higher performing player, enabling you to make more precise and quicker responses during the game.

Dedicate time to practicing proper footwork as it can make a huge difference in your overall game performance.

10. Prioritize Defensive Shots

In any game of pickleball doubles, especially at a competitive level, it’s essential to understand that not every shot you play has to be a winner.

Often playing the defensive shot can give you an advantage over your opponent.

With each shot, comes the careful consideration of where to place it on the court to make it difficult for your opponents to return.

This not only involves judgment but also necessitates a good understanding of the game’s dynamics and your opponent’s gameplay.

A solid defensive strategy is all about maintaining control of the game.

It isn’t always necessary to go for a risky, difficult shot when you can instead play it safe and keep the ball in play.

Remember, in pickleball, the real goal isn’t necessarily to score points, but to prevent your opponent from scoring.

After all, adopting this mindset will ensure that you yield fewer errors and give your opponents fewer chances of scoring.

Practicing and playing defensive shots with a purpose increases your consistency, which can generally frustrate your opponents and force them into making errors.

However, this isn’t to say that all you need to do is aimlessly drop balls over the net.

On the contrary, precision is key in successful defensive play.

In order to perfect your defensive shots, it’ll require a mix of patience, persistence, and regular practice.

You should always aim for deep returns, which can force your opponents to the back of their court, thereby giving you and your partner more time to prepare for the subsequent shot.

Perfecting your defensive plays isn’t about being passive; it’s more about being proactive and responding smartly to your opponent’s moves.

It’s safe to say that defensive shots and strategy, when combined with a smart offensive game plan, make a deadly combination in pickleball doubles.

You should keep in mind, that while an aggressive playing style can undoubtedly win you points, integrating a solid defensive game into your tactics could very well be the key to a more consistent and victorious game overall.

You can leverage defensive shots to not only shift the momentum of the game but also to keep your opponents off balance and guessing.

Mixing up your shots, incorporating some deliberate slow-paced returns amid the high-paced ones, can unsettle your opponents and disrupt their rhythm.

Moreover, in the heat of an intense match, players often forget the importance of defensive shots and focus on power and aggression.

Don’t make that mistake.

Always remember, good defense often wins games and that is something you need to prioritize while playing pickleball doubles.

11. Preempt potential shots from opponents.

The ability to anticipate and preempt potential shots from opponents is an essential element in enhancing your pickleball doubles game.

Successfully doing this leverages strategic thinking and an understanding of your opponent’s playing style.

Regular practice and observation are key to improving this skill.

By studying the habits and patterns of your opponents, you can gain a predictive edge.

You should constantly analyze their movements, positions, and shot selections to predict their next play.

This level of insight into your opponents’ possible actions can significantly alter the course of the game.

It allows you to being well positioned and prepared to counter they moves rather than being caught off guard.

This is essentially about being one step ahead.

Watching your opponents closely helps you to develop vital cues and subtleties that might reveal their next move.

For instance, their grip, stance, footwork, or even facial expression might suggest certain shot types or direction.

With this knowledge, you can then position yourself appropriately to counter their shots effectively.

This doesn’t just enhance your defensive capabilities but also opens opportunities for offensive shots.

Put simply, it maneuver your team into a position of control and dominance in the game.

Let’s take a practical approach to understanding this.

Below is a video that demonstrates how you can anticipate and preempt the shots of your opponents.

Know What Your Pickleball Opponent Will Do Before They Do

The video provides a visual demonstration on how to study your opponents and anticipate their shots.

You’ll learn the importance of reading subtle cues and capitalizing on them to gain an upper hand in the game.

Remember, every advantage counts in pickleball and preempting your opponent’s shots is one of the crucial elements to advance your doubles game.

12. Develop a strong backhand

In the game of pickleball, having a strong backhand is a crucial element in enhancing your doubles game.

A player’s backhand can often be their weakness, making it a target for opponents.

However, transforming this weakness into a strength can shift the balance of the game in your favor.

One can develop a strong backhand by incorporating focused training and consistent practice into their routine.

The act of practicing your backhand stroke relentlessly can help improve your accuracy and the power behind that particular shot.

However, it is essential to strike a balance between power and control in order to maintain efficacy and efficiency.

The next step is to train for a versatile backhand, capable of high, low, soft, and hard returns.

Engage in exercises designed to improve your flexibility and wrist movement, as they are key factors for a potent backhand shot.

Working with a coach can provide valuable insight and feedback on improving your technique.

Executing a proficient backhand also requires a good grip, stance, and swing which permit greater control and consistency on the court.

Remember to incorporate your core and lower body into the shot.

This helps to generate more power and stability in your swing.

An effective backhand also includes the element of surprise, misdirecting your opponents which keeps them guessing.

Being able to fake or disguise a backhand shot can confuse opponents, consequently giving you an advantage.

This not only increases your chances of winning but adds a layer of sophistication and unpredictability to your game, making it harder for your opponents to predict your next move.

It is worth stating again that a powerful and versatile backhand can be a game-changer and too needs to be nurtured at par with other pickleball skills.

Finally, it’s important to persistently practice backhands drills in order to develop this skill, as it’s a key aspect of a well-rounded pickleball doubles game.

13. Train your reflexes for faster responses.

One of the key aspects to excel in Pickleball, a fast-paced doubles game, is your ability to brace yourself for the unexpected and react swiftly and accurately to your opponent’s shots.

This factor calls for a significant importance of training your reflexes to adapt to the fast nature of the game.

Unlike other racquet games, Pickleball often presents unpredictable ball trajectories which require quick decision-making strategies and an agile response time.

Don’t be deceived by the seemingly leisurely pace of the game.

In reality, Pickleball can assemble moments of intense speed where you have only a fraction of a second to decide your striking position and shot selection.

Reflex training hence becomes an integral part of improving your Pickleball doubles game.

This important sentence emphasizes that enhancing your reflexes isn’t just about increasing your speed of shot returns.

But it’s about building a stronger sense of intuition and anticipation about your opponents’ probable moves and strikes.

Precise anticipation enables quicker positioning, accurate targeting, and a better shot execution.

Pickleball Drills-Reflex Volleys for Faster Reactions

Interested in boosting your reflexes for Pickleball doubles?

Try watching this video which provides drills tailored specifically for improving players’ volley reactions, particularly for Pickleball.

Regular practice can undeniably enhance your muscle memory, enabling more automatic responses to an opponent’s shot.

Pick drills that demand quick reflexes: for instance, a drill that demands multiple defensive volleys successively or drills that require sharp cross-court volleys.

Also, consider adopting fun interactive exercises like table ball drills or partner ball toss drills that assist in fortifying reflexes through repetition and practice.

Remember, cultivating faster reflexes isn’t an overnight process.

It requires consistent practice, persistence, and a patient mindset.

Needless to say, a combination of effective reflex training and match experience grants you an edge in Pickleball doubles game, ensuring you’re always ready for the next shot, be it a deft dropshot or an explosive smash.

14. Don’t overhit; be patient.

In the highly competitive game of pickleball, it’s naturally tempting for players to want to hit the ball with as much power as they can muster

But this is often not the most effective way to play, particularly in doubles.

The key to doubles, much like in tennis, is often touch, precision, and patience – not power

Pickleball is a game of strategy and angles, not just strength.

Many players, especially those new to pickleball or transitioning from tennis, tend to overhit the ball.

This is often a result of either overeagerness or a misguided perception that the game is all about power shots.

However, overhitting often leads to a loss of control and makes it easier for opponents to predict your play.

Patience is a vital aspect of pickleball, particularly in doubles play.

This patient approach includes avoiding the temptation to smash every ball and instead focusing on precise shot placement and waiting for the right opportunity to strike.

After this quote, what stands is that waiting for the right opportunity is crucial as it can mean the difference between winning and losing a point.

Therefore, it’s better to be one step behind the ball, strategically placing your shot, than to overhit and lose control.

This requires patience.

Moreover, in a game of doubles, where two players on each side of the net have to coordinate and communicate effectively, an over-aggressive stance can often lead to mistakes or give the opponents easy opportunities.

Playing defensively and reacting patiently as the rally unfolds allows the players to probe their opponents, keep them guessing, and eventually create an opportunity for a winner.

That’s why it’s paramount not to rush the game but to learn and master the art of waiting for the right moment.

In the end, remember that pickleball is a game of finesse and patience.

Overhitting is a common mistake that many make, especially those new to the sport.

Whether you’re playing singles, or especially doubles, practicing patience and control over power can often be the key to success.

Therefore, the “don’t overhit; be patient” mantra is worthwhile remembering every time you step on the pickleball court.

By doing so, not only will your game improve, but you’ll also be playing pickleball as it was meant to be played – strategically, thoughtfully, and with plenty of patience.

So next time you step on a pickleball court for a doubles game, remember to keep your cool, slow down, and don’t overhit the ball.

15. Aim for Deep Serves and Returns

In the game of doubles pickleball, one of the most effective tactics to improve your game involves placing a strategic emphasis on deep serves and returns.

Sending the ball deep into the opponent’s court during a serve not only places immediate pressure on the opposing team but also reduces their return options.

This strategic placement literally backs your opponents into a corner, compromising their ability to actively control the volley.

Similarly, when returning a serve, the benefits of a deep return are twofold.

Firstly, it buys you more time to set up for the next shot as your opponent has to cover more ground to reach the ball.

Secondly, a deeper return also forces your opponents to hit upward on the ball which could limit their shot choices thereby giving you an edge in the rally.

A deep serve or return essentially moves your opponents away from the net, decreasing their chances of hitting aggressive, offensive shots and giving you an advantage.

Aiming for deep serves and returns is therefore a crucial technique to master in pickleball.

Not only can this strategy destabilize your opponents, but it can also open up opportunities for you to take control of the rally.

To aim and land deep serves and returns successfully, much will depend on your shot accuracy, ball control, and judgement.

Therefore, it is important to practice this skill rigorously and regularly to perfect it.

While practicing, also keep in mind that the goal is not just hitting the ball deep into the opponent’s court, but also maintaining control over the ball to prevent it from going out of bounds.

Win More Pickleball Points Using This Return Of Serve Technique From Pickleball Pro Tyson McGuffin

By accessing the link above, you can glean insights from a professional player demonstrating effectively the essential technique for serving and returning deep shots.

Your understanding and execution of this strategy can be greatly enhanced by observing how the professional player positions himself, adjusts his swing, and ultimately directs the ball for the deep serve or return.

If incorporated into your gameplay skilfully, deep serves and returns can greatly improve your doubles pickleball game and make you a more formidable opponent on the court.

16. Work on Your Lobs

Without a doubt, one of the best ways to give yourself an unexpected advantage in a doubles pickleball game is to skillfully execute a lob.

A well-placed lob can turn an offensive push by your opponents into a scramble for them to react.

Practicing and mastering your lobs requires a combination of precision aiming, power control and proper timing.

The goal of a good lob is to push your opponents back by lobbing the ball over their heads, forcing them to either let the ball go out of bounds or make a high-risk return shot.

One essential point to note while executing a lob is that it should be geared more towards strategic positioning rather than scoring points directly.

However, poor execution of a lob can put you and your partner at risk, as a failed lob attempt usually results in an easy shot for the opponents.

Indeed, the key is to make your lob unreachable for the opponents while causing minimal disruptions to your own team’s positioning.

Being mindful of your opponents positioning and anticipating their reactions can also play a crucial role in determining the success of your lob.

It’s also important to work on your footwork and body control while practicing lobs, as these factors can significantly influence the height and distance of your lobs.

If executed poorly, lobs can end up being smashed back at you, hence the importance of practice and control in lobbing cannot be overstated.

You can practice lobs by having your partner stand at the net while you try to lob the ball over them, forcing them to move back and perhaps flounder.

Taking the time to work on your lobs can greatly enhance your defensive and offensive strategies in pickleball double game.

Remember, the key to a successful lob is not just about hitting the ball high and hard, but also about understanding the dynamics of the game and making strategic decisions based on your opponents’ positioning and anticipated reactions.

As you get better at lobbing, you may also begin to see that it opens up opportunities for you to use other shots, building your overall game strategy.

In conclusion, clearly lob is a critical shot in your pickleball doubles arsenal and enhancing this skill will undoubtedly improve your pickleball doubles game.

17. Avoid unforced errors

When you are aiming to improve your pickleball doubles game, avoiding unforced errors is a key strategy to focus on.

Unforced errors are typically errors that occur because of a failure in executing a shot, not because of any significant pressure or an outstanding shot from your opponent.

This type of error, often a failure to simply keep the ball within the boundaries of the court, can be a major impediment to your progress in the game.

Discipline, consistency, and a focus on accuracy over power can significantly help in cutting down the number of unforced errors in your game.

By reducing the frequency of unforced errors, you can increase your chances of winning points and thus games, as you effectively hand your opponents fewer easy opportunities to capitalize on.

Understanding and acknowledging the difference between forced and unforced errors can act as the first step to proactively reducing the latter.

It is crucial to realize that unforced errors are largely within your control, and working on reducing them requires a focus on fundamentals, such as proper body positioning, footwork, and shot selection.

Instead of always aiming for high-risk winners or aggressive shots, try to play a controlled and patient game, focusing more on keeping the ball in play.

This allows you not only to minimize unforced errors but also to extend rallies, increasing chances for your opponents to make mistakes.

However, reducing unforced errors does not mean eradicating aggression from your game.

Striking a balance between aggression and control is the key to maintaining a strong and error-free game.

Always remember that an aggressive yet poorly executed shot that ends up as an unforced error can do more harm than good.

How to Avoid Unforced Errors | Doubles Pickleball Strategy

After watching the embedded video, you can glean key techniques and strategies to reduce unforced errors during pickleball doubles play.

The video demonstrates how to play more consistently and effectively by keeping your shots within the court and minimizing mistakes.

In addition, regularly practising drills focused on shot accuracy and consistency can be a practical way to reduce unforced errors over time.

In a game where every point counts, it’s essential to avoid giving away easy points in the form of unforced errors.

Consistent practice, a focused approach, and patience can yield substantial improvements in your doubles pickleball game over time.

18. Use deceptive shots to confuse opponents

Deceptive shots in pickleball doubles play are an effective method to keep your opponents guessing and off-balance.

By altering the speed, direction, or spin of the ball, your shots can become unpredictable and cause your competitors to make a wrong move or be slow to react.

One technique is to use a soft shot strategically when your opponent is expecting a hard one.

A well-placed soft shot can disrupt the rhythm of your opponents and decrease their chances of a powerful return.

This concept works for defensive maneuvers as well, as you are effectively severing their aggressive offensive plans.

The whole purpose of the deceptive shots is to create a scenario where your opponents are constantly second-guessing, which can lead to unforced errors on their part.

This strategy is not meant to be used every time, as overuse can lead to predictability.

Instead, use them intermittently, making them an unexpected surprise for your opponents.

Additionally, a deceptive shot doesn’t always mean soft shots; it can also involve surprising your opponents with a power shot when a dink or soft shot is expected.

The ultimate aim is to keep your opponents guessing, creating uncertainty and unpredictability in your game that will keep them off their routine.

To effectively employ deceptive shots, you need to be adept at various shot styles and techniques.

Having a wider repertoire of shots allows you to implement deception more effectively.

This ability to switch shots seamlessly can significantly enhance your pickleball doubles game.

These deceptive shots are also a great tool to create openings in the court.

If executed properly, your opponents may be drawn to one side, providing you or your partner with an open area to aim for.

Remember, the ultimate goal isn’t just to confuse them; it’s to put you and your partner in a position of control.

Effective and calculated communication with your partner is also indispensable when attempting deceptive shots in a doubles game.

Your partner needs to be aware of what you’re planning so they can position themselves effectively for the next potential shot.

Adding deceptive shots to your strategies can be the game changer that elevates your pickleball doubles game.

19. Develop Offensive and Defensive Strategies

In the thrilling sport of pickleball doubles, successful teams meticulously devote time to developing offensive and defensive strategies.

Watching professional games and practicing against skilled partners can aid you in identifying and understanding inevitable and effective combinations.

Staying aggressive and maintaining control of the court and ball movement is important for successful offensive play.

Also, proficiency in striking power shots and the ability to immerse your opponents in tight situations contribute to offensive game dominance.

On the other hand, a strong defensive strategy revolves around excellent positioning, quick decision making, and the ability to return powerful shots.

Keeping a balanced position on the court irrespective of the game pace is key to a solid defense.

Good positioning can enable you to cover more ground, intercept the ball effectively, and respond to offensive plays by your opponents.

Besides, it is also vital to return the ball in such a way that it puts your opponents under pressure and at the same time protects you from strong counter shots.

In essence, the concept of defensive play in pickleball doubles does not solely rely on waiting for the opponent to make a mistake.

Instead, it involves tactics that create opportunities for you and your partner to transition naturally from defensive to offensive play.

Additionally, it is also necessary to understand that an excellent strategy may not always be to keep an offensive or defensive play, but rather must be flexible enough to transit from one to the other depending on the context of the game.

Consequently, understanding your and your partner’s strengths and weaknesses, exploiting gaps in your opponents’ play, and the ability to adapt to varying game situations are key components to consider while developing your offensive and defensive strategies.

Game-Changing Pickleball Strategies for Every Player

My video can be very helpful in learning to develop strategies since it gives insights into understanding the varying contexts of the game.

It also provides a guide to players on how to adapt and make quick decisions which are key components in both offensive and defensive plays.

20. Consistently Practice Shots

One of key aspects to improving your pickleball doubles game is consistently practicing your shots.

On its own, consistency might not seem like a big deal, but in pickleball, it’s everything.

To truly master the art of the sport and improve your skill level drastically, you need to invest a significant amount of time in practice.

Working on your shots not only improves your accuracy but also helps you understand the angles and speed needed to counteract your opponents’ strategies.

One of the main advantages of consistently practicing shots is the development of muscle memory.

Once the body gets habituated to a particular move, the less conscious effort is required to execute it, which ultimately results in improved performance.

Consistent practice is the key to muscle memory, improves shot accuracy, and ultimately enhances your overall performance in the game.

Supporting this idea, it’s widely acknowledged in the sports world that muscle memory plays a vital role in the mastery of skills.

Your body begins to remember specific movements, reducing the need for conscious thought and allowing for automatic and precise execution.

In addition, consistent practice enables you to adapt and perfect techniques that can give you an edge over your competitors.

Moreover, it helps you build strength, speed, and endurance, all of which are essential components of a competitive game of pickleball doubles.

But practice is not just about repetition; it’s about quality repetition.

It’s crucial to ensure you’re practicing with focused intent and proper technique to truly benefit from your repetition.

Seek feedback from trainers, partners, or even your opponents to make sure you are practicing correctly and implementing what you learn in match situations effectively.

Another essential aspect is variety in practice.

Working on different types of shots — be it volleys, overheads, dinks, or drives — ensures you’re equipped to handle whatever comes your way during a match.

Fundamentally, consistency in practice also fosters a sense of confidence in your abilities.

The more you practice your shots, the more confident you become in your ability to hit them in match situations.

Lastly, don’t forget to enjoy your practice sessions.

Happiness and enjoyment, even in rigorous training sessions, can contribute significantly to your overall performance and improvement.

In sum, the power of consistent practice cannot be exaggerated.

By investing time in practicing your shots, you are setting the stage for greater success in your pickleball doubles game.

21. Keep Fit and Maintain Stamina

Regardless of how strong your game strategies or shot placement is, keeping fit and maintaining stamina plays a crucial role in improving your pickleball doubles game.

Physical fitness facilitates quicker movement on the court, which can make a significant difference in this fast-paced sport.

Practicing Yoga, Pilates or even Bodyweight Training can all help improve overall strength, agility, and flexibility which are integral aspects of the game.

Cardiovascular fitness is also important, therefore regular aerobic exercises like running, swimming, or cycling can greatly improve your stamina.

Remember, having good stamina allows you to endure longer matches without tiring and hence maintain a high level of performance throughout the game.

This assumes greater importance in tournament situations where you might be required to play multiple matches in a single day.

It’s not just about physical fitness, a good diet too plays a critical part in maintaining a high energy level.

Eating well-balanced meals comprising of proteins for muscle repair, carbohydrates for energy, and fats for joint health can ensure you’re fuelled up for every game.

Moreover, staying hydrated, particularly during high intensity matches, is essential to prevent muscle cramps and fatigue that could affect your performance.

Pickleball Workout: Play Better - Avoid Injury

Incorporating these fitness tips in your daily routine can not only improve your pickleball performance but also your overall health and well-being.

Watching the embedded video above can provide you with a detailed workout routine that is specially intended to boost your game.

In addition, they can also show you how to avoid common injuries that players often experience.

While it certainly takes time and commitment to improve your physical fitness, the long-term benefits to your health and your pickleball game are immeasurable.

So, always remember – the fitter you are, the better you can perform on the court!

Keeping fit and maintaining stamina is a continuous journey, so start now and soon you’ll notice a big difference in your pickleball doubles game.

The Bottom Line

All in all, enhancing your pickleball skills involves both tactical improvement and physical conditioning.

Prioritizing accurate shots, mastering the non-volley zone, developing a strong backhand and enhancing your serve accuracy can make a significant difference in your game.

Building effective communication with your partner, experimenting with different strategies, and training for fast reflexes should not be overlooked.

Also, maintaining patience, focusing on deep serves and returns, and keeping the ball in play can help in controlling the game.

It is also essential to learn from mistakes and avoid unforced errors while using deceptive shots to confound opponents.

Proper footwork, defensive shots, and stamina upkeep complete the picture of an effective pickleball player.

Therefore, developing and perfecting new techniques through consistent practice is integral for any pickleball enthusiast.