21 Key Moments in the History of Pickleball

The sport of pickleball, though lesser known, has a rich and intricate history that spans over several decades.

Born out of a simple family pastime, its rapid growth and popularity across diverse age groups is a testament to its appeal.

This game uniquely blends elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis, resulting in a sport that is both competitive and enjoyable.

To truly appreciate the game, it is essential to delve into key instances and turning points that have shaped its presence over the years.

With various transitions and evolutions, pickleball has carved its place in the world of sports.

It stands today as not only an engaging game, but also a symbol of rapid growth and communal connection.

Key Moments In The History Of Pickleball

1. 1965: Pickleball invented by Joel Pritchard and friends.

It began in a sunny afternoon in the summer of 1965 when Joel Pritchard and his friends Bill Bell and Barney McCallum invited their families to a casual gathering.

They found themselves left with a ball, a lack of recreation options and an unsatisfied craving for fun.

Out of this necessity, came the invention of a new sport, Pickleball.

Contrary to popular stories, Pickleball was not named after the Pritchard family’s dog Pickles, but rather after a hybrid boat the “Pickle Boat”.

As the origins are surrounded in friendship and family, Pickleball is a game that is primarily about having fun, catering to all ages and skill levels.

This essence of fun and the inclusivity of the game set it apart from other sports.

It was designed with principles that were a blend of other popular games like ping-pong, badminton, and tennis, yet it had its own unique set of rules and playing style.

The rise of Pickleball was organic, born from the simple yearning for a game that all the family members could enjoy together.

Joel Pritchard’s backyard became the birthplace of the game, where family members and friends tested and played the first rounds of Pickleball.

The first pickleball paddles were made of wood, but as the game evolved, so did the gear.

The core values of Pickleball – fun, inclusivity, and sportsmanship – were consistently not just maintained but also enforced in the conduct of the game.

From a casual backyard game to becoming an internationally recognized sport, the story of Pickleball’s origins is truly fascinating.

Another unique feature that sets it apart is that the Pickleball court is smaller than a standard tennis court, making the game more accessible to a wide range of fitness levels.

The rules were designed to be simple and easy to follow, so players could focus on the fun part.

The Origins of Pickleball: How It All Began

Watching the accompanying video will add depth to the reader’s understanding of the Pickleball’s origins.

It provides a first-hand perspective on how the game was born from the need for a family game, enhancing what you’ve just read.

2. 1972: Official Pickleball Inc. is established{{DOT}}

Formally established in the year of 1972, Official Pickleball Inc. marked a significant turning point in the history of Pickleball sport.

This creation was brought to life by the visionary founders of the sport, with the intention to promote and regulate the sport further.

The establishment of this organization gave an ‘official’ status to what started as a improvised family game at the backyard.

It served as a unifying body for the growing number of enthusiasts and players across the country.

The mission of Official Pickleball Inc. was to not only arrange and organize tournaments, but spread the passion and knowledge for the sport.

Being the second event in the timeline of Pickleball’s history, the foundation of Official Pickleball Inc. paved the platform for the sport to be taken seriously and competitively across the United States.

Following this quote, it’s evident the founders already saw the potential for Pitckleball to be more than just another recreational game.

The formation of the Official Pickleball Inc. stamped validation on the game, providing it a central governing body that was much needed.

This moment in Pickleball history elevated its status, pushing it a step nearer to becoming a recognized competitive sport on national and later global platform.

The establishment of the organization, was not only pivotal for the sports existence, but also for its strategic growth and promotion.

They began by setting rules and standards, creating structured tournaments and popularizing Pickleball as a sport that can be enjoyed by all – regardless of age or athletic ability.

Therefore, the inception of Official Pickleball Inc. entity marked a critical juncture in the overall development of Pickleball sport from its earlier days.

This setting up of an official organization also laid the foundation for a standardized format of game play, equipment, and ranking systems.

Gradually, Official Pickleball Inc. helped in establishing a community of pickleball enthusiasts across the nation and later, the world.

Although Pickleball started as an innovative family pastime, the formation of Official Pickleball Inc. was a giant leap towards its recognition as a professional sport.

This section of the pickleball history serves as a testament of the growth and potential of Pickleball as a sport, spanning from the backyard invention to a formally recognized sport entity.

3. 1975: First Pickleball tournament in Washington.

The sport of Pickleball today is recognized by millions and continues to grow in popularity, but the journey to reach this level of recognition and acceptance had its humble beginnings in a neighborhood driveway in 1965.

In 1975, a decade after its invention, the sport witnessed its first significant milestone – the first official Pickleball tournament was held.

The tournament was organized in Seattle, Washington, marking the first instance of a formally structured competition in the sport.

At this time, Pickleball was still a relatively new sport, with its own unique blend of tennis, badminton, and table tennis elements.

The tournament showcased these unique aspects of Pickleball and enabled the sport to garner wider attention and interest, helping to grow its player base.

Teams from different areas came together to participate in this inaugural event, making it a significant gathering of Pickleball enthusiasts.

From backyards and driveways where it first started, Pickleball now had its own platform and stage in the realm of organized sports.

In the backdrop of the tournament, not only were the scores counted and winners celebrated, but a whole new wave of sportsmanship and camaraderie evolved.

This 1975 tournament in Washington served as a catalyst for the development and growth of Pickleball, paving the way for more formal tournaments and structured play that we see in the sport today.

This is evident from the fact that post the inaugural tournament, interest in Pickleball soared, leading to the establishment of governing bodies and formulation of formal rules for the sport.

Competitive structures were developed, and Pickleball gradually began to be recognized as a legitimate sport.

For a first-hand glimpse into the early days of the sport, we invite you to watch this embedded video below.

4. 1976: USA’s First Pickleball Rulebook is Published

The histories of many sports are marked by significant milestones, and Pickleball is no exception. The year 1976 is set apart in the annals of Pickleball for a crucial reason that year saw the debut of the first official rulebook in the United States.

Before this year, the game was played with a loose set of rules that were primarily based on the founders’ interpretation, making each game unique in its style and regulations.

However, with a growing passion for the game and recognition of its potential, there was a dire need for standardization.

The founders, Pritchard and his friends, acknowledged this necessity and took the significant step of formulating an official rulebook.

Creating a uniform code of rules destigmatized the game, enhancing its acceptance and popularity.

In the aftermath of the published rulebook, Pickleball grew more structured and organized. When rules became standardized, players could focus on refining their techniques and strategies, instead of debating interpretations of the rules.

Moreover, a common rulebook meant that players from different regions could play with a universal understanding of the game’s rules, fostering national and even international camaraderie in the Pickleball community.

In essence, the introduction of the rulebook was a significant step towards expanding and maturing the game beyond its backyard origins and into a more recognized and legitimate sport.

This publication had a profound impact, not just on how the game was played, but also on how it was perceived by players, spectators, and prospective athletes.

Moreover, having a rulebook lent the game a formal, professional appearance, further enhancing its appeal and scope.

The publishing of the Pickleball’s first official rulebook in 1976 was indeed the cornerstone that laid the foundation for the sport’s future growth and development.

Undoubtedly, this episode plays a significant role when it comes to recounting key moments in the history of Pickleball.

The essential fact to remember is that the publication of this rulebook wasn’t just about the rules; it signified the sport’s transition from a fun pastime to a game with unabated potential.

While this marked an important chapter in the history of Pickleball, it was just a remarkable beginning to an exciting journey of the sport in the years to come.

In other words, the 1976 publication of the first USA Pickleball rulebook was a defining moment in shaping the sport’s trajectory and an indication of great things to follow in Pickleball’s ongoing saga.

5. 1984: Pickleball Association officially incorporated.

The year 1984 marked a significant milestone in the history of Pickleball as it was the year the Pickleball Association was officially incorporated.

This incorporation brought a new level of legitimacy and structure to the game, assuring players, as well as enthusiasts worldwide, that Pickleball was a sport on the rise.

This legitimization, instigated by the incorporation, also ensured the establishment of rules and standards to govern the game, enhancing the overall playing experience and structure.

As a structured organization, the Pickleball Association now had the ability to host official tournaments and events, contributing to the sport’s growth at both local and international levels.

The official incorporation further played a key role in promoting Pickleball as a recognized sport in numerous communities, parks, and recreation centers across the country.

With its incorporation, the Pickleball Association evolved, becoming the national governing body for the sport of Pickleball in the U.S., thus opening doors to development opportunities and player advancement.

This move was crucial in ushering a new era of professional Pickleball, giving birth to a well-structured sport with its governing body.

In addition, the Association’s establishment ensured that all aspects of the game – from conducting tournaments to designing equipment – were streamlined and standardized.

The Association started to work with other sports organizations and administrations to enhance the sport’s visibility and advocacy for its inclusion in inter-school and collegiate sports programs.

Moreover, the Association’s role in dictating the rules and strategies of the game, alongside introducing referee training programs served as a fundamental progression towards making the sport more systematic and professional.

Looking back, the announcement of the Pickleball Association’s incorporation stands as a major milestone in the evolution of Pickleball from a backyard game to a widely recognized court sport.

It was the Association’s initiatives and efforts that have led to Pickleball’s widespread adoption and the creation of hundreds of local Pickleball clubs across the United States.

The Origin of Pickleball.

This video gives a visual representation of the progression of Pickleball from its inception to how it’s played today. It can be a great learning resource for anyone wanting to know more about the sport’s intriguing origin and how it has evolved from a recreational activity to a sport watched and played by millions.

6. 1990: Pickleball Spreads to All US States

The growth and spread of pickleball across the United States is a key moment in its history.

In many ways, the year 1990 marks a turning point in this narrative.

This was the year when it was reported that the game of pickleball had spread to all US states.

The journey of pickleball, from its humble inception in Washington to becoming a popular sport across the entire country, took about 25 years.

This expansion wasn’t just limited to recreational play, but also into educational institutions and organized sports associations.

The spread of the sport meant that pickleball was not just a neighborhood pastime anymore; it was gaining a firm footfall in the sports landscape of the country.

This growth can be attributed to several factors.

One, the game’s easy-to-learn rules made it an attractive option for people of all ages.

Two, the low cost of equipment and the possibility of converting existing badminton or tennis courts to pickleball courts meant that it was easily accessible for many people.

Three, pickleball’s high fun factor and the opportunity it presented for social interaction made it particularly appealing to retirees, a rapidly growing demographic in the country.

As participation in the sport grew, so did its recognition in the wider sports community.

Pickleball tournaments began cropping up all over the United States, drawing attention to the sport on regional and later national levels.

Driven by a combination of grassroots enthusiasm and strategic promotion efforts by sporting bodies, pickleball was making its mark across the U.S.

A crucial factor in this spread was indeed the formation of a structured body for pickleball – the USA Pickleball Association (USAPA).

The USAPA, established in 1984, began implementing a standard set of rules and popularizing the sport further via their ambassadors program.

By 1990, they had succeeded in spreading the game to every state in the country.

Their contribution to the expansion and promotion of pickleball cannot be overstated.

As we look back on the growth of pickleball in the U.S., it is clear that the year 1990 – marking the point where the game reached all states – was a significant milestone.

However, the expansion of pickleball was not just limited to the United States – the game was also beginning to make its way into other countries around the world.

The journey of pickleball’s growth continues, and this fast-paced, fun sport shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon.

7. 2003: First national Pickleball tournament takes place.

With the consistent growth of pickleball seen from its inception in 1965, it was inevitably heading for its next big milestone – the organization of the very first national tournament.

In 2003, this significant event in the history of pickleball happened, proving the sport had gained enough national traction to warrant a major competition.

The first national Pickleball tournament took place, marking the beginning of a new chapter in the sport’s history.

In an effort to acknowledge the growing interest and promote the sport further, the decision to host a national tournament was made.

This decision was not taken lightly, but rather, bore the weight of countless players’ expectations, fans, and sport enthusiasts who had been captivated by pickleball’s unique playstyle and riveting dynamics.

This tournament was also an opportunity for players from various U.S states to showcase their skills at a national level, gaining recognition.

The tournament was considered a significant accomplishment for the sport, as it brought together pickleball enthusiasts and players from various states in a competitive, yet friendly, environment to foster unity and promote the sport.

The national tournament was a testament to the sport’s growth and popularity, serving as a platform for up-and-coming players to shine.

The embedded video offers some glimpses of arguably one of the key moments in pickleball’s history.

By watching the video, viewers will appreciate the immense passion the players and fans alike had for the game in its early nascent stage.

This also served as a vital platform for up-and-coming players, helping them gain recognition on a national scale.

The national tournament brought together people from different states, serving as a melting pot of different playing styles and strategies.

With the increased attention towards pickleball, the tournament also promoted the continued expansion of the sport across the country.

Undoubtedly, this first national tournament fostered unity amongst the players and fans, contributing immensely to the growth of pickleball in the succeeding years.

From this point onwards, the frequency and scale of pickleball tournaments increased, catapulting the sport further into popularity.

8. 2005: Pickleball Association becomes nonprofit organization.

In 2005, the Pickleball Association significantly shifted its foundational structure and officially became a nonprofit organization.

This pivotal change played a major role in shaping the future trajectory of the sport.

It underlined the association’s commitment to promoting and developing Pickleball to the fullest extent possible and not being driven by profit.

The move provided the Association with more avenues to source funds for the growth and development of the sport.

As a nonprofit, they were able to apply for grants and receive tax-deductible donations, enabling them to allocate more resources to promoting the sport.

Committing to a nonprofit status had a profound impact on the sport’s credibility and stability.

The implementation of this shift opened a wide array of opportunities to expand the sport’s reach, increase its popularity, and improve its standards at various levels.

This move signaled to players, fans, and potential sponsors alike that the primary goal of the association was the growth and welfare of the sport and its community.

Turning into a nonprofit allowed the Pickleball Association to reinvest generated resources back into the sport.

The sport’s improvements since going nonprofit are a testament to the benefits of this strategic decision.

The total number of players exponentially increased and the game’s popularity spread across the nation.

Not only did this decision aid in the sport’s domestic development, but it also initiated a global expansion of Pickleball.

In addition to the influence on player numbers and geographical reach, this transformation facilitated the evolution of rules, safety measures and professional standards in the sport.

Through this nonprofit model, the Pickleball Association has been able to further its mission to promote the sport globally and foster a sense of community amongst its players.

Today, the Association continues to provide opportunities for all to learn, play and enjoy the game of Pickleball, staying committed to its nonprofit roots.

9. 2009: Inaugural Pickleball U.S. Open is held.

The year 2009 marked a significant milestone in the history of Pickleball. The inaugural Pickleball U.S. Open was held, indicating the sport’s growing prestige and popularity.

The U.S. Open is one of the most important tournaments in the world of Pickleball.

Players from all over the United States and even internationally competed, showcasing their Pickleball talents and skills.

This tournament not only brought together the best of the best but also promoted the spirit of camaraderie among Pickleball players and enthusiasts.

Moreover, the staging of this tournament brought increased visibility and networking opportunities for the sport.

The Pickleball U.S. Open set a new precedent for the high level of competition and sportsmanship in Pickleball.

As the intensity of the games heightened, it signified the Pickleball players’ unwavering passion and commitment to the sport.

It also showed the world just how competitive and serious Pickleball had become.

It was more than just a backyard activity, it was a sport that demanded respect and recognition.

John McEnroe after Pickleball score argument: 'It’s the first argument I’ve won in 40 years' 🤣

By watching this video, you will get a glimpse of the heated moments in Pickleball. You will understand that Pickleball, like any other sport, comes with its fair share of controversies and dramatic moments.

The Pickleball U.S. Open was a “coming of age” event for the sport.

It was an affirmation of the sport’s journey from its invention in 1965 by Joel Pritchard and friends, to its elevation to state and national tournaments, and finally to its inauguration in the U.S. Open.

While the pick up game evolved from being played in people’s driveways to professional tournaments, the U.S. Open marked the benchmark for the sport’s growth in the public eye.

Even after the tournament ended, the impact of the inaugural Pickleball U.S. Open continued to resonate within the Pickleball community and beyond.

Indeed, the Pickleball U.S. Open in 2009 was not just another tournament. It was a statement – Pickleball had arrived on a grand scale.

10. 2010: Pickleball included in Senior Olympics

In the year 2010, a monumental moment transpired in the history of Pickleball when it was included in the Senior Olympics.

The Senior Olympics, an international sports event for seniors, recognized Pickleball as a competitive sport, thereby offering it a position in the sports event lineup.

This decision by the Senior Olympics acknowledged the increasing popularity of this unique game, both in terms of players and spectators, in the latter part of the decade.

Before 2010, Pickleball was predominantly played in school yards and community centers, with only a few organized tournaments around the United States.

With its inclusion in the Senior Olympics, Pickleball was now officially recognized on an international sports platform.

This distinction propelled the popularity of the sport even more, as it was now considered a serious sports competition and not merely a recreational activity.

The recognition by the Senior Olympics also worked towards creating formalized standards in the sport, contributing to its professionalism.

The inclusion in the Senior Olympics also helped in expanding the reach of Pickleball beyond the US borders, with international athletes getting exposure to the sport.

Pickleball’s introduction to the Senior Olympics paved way for greater visibility and acceptance in the global sports community.

This event was instrumental in bridging the gap between older athletes and a younger, burgeoning group of Pickleball enthusiasts.

The Senior Olympics provided a platform for seniors looking to compete at a high level in a sport both supremely accessible and physically demanding.

With its inclusion in the Senior Olympics, Pickleball was on par with traditional sports like tennis and badminton that have long been a part of the Olympics line-up.

The global recognition gained by Pickleball increased the number of players and followers of the sport around the world.

It also led to a surge in the promotion and marketing of the sport, which provided better opportunities and rewards for athletes engaged with Pickleball in a competitive setting.

With the inclusion of Pickleball in the prestigious Senior Olympics, it made a significant shift from being a locally popular sport to a globally recognized game.

11. 2013: Match Point Pro Pickleball Paddle released.

In 2013, a significant breakthrough came within the realm of Pickleball, with the launch of the new Match Point Pro Pickleball Paddle.

This paddle gained instant recognition within the sport due to its distinguished design and unmatched performance capabilities.

The Match Point Pro Pickleball Paddle was a product of meticulous engineering and in-depth understanding of the sport.

Its introduction added an entirely new dynamic to the game, reshaping some of the strategies and techniques adopted by the players.

Emblazoned with an optimum weight and perfect balance, this paddle offered enhanced maneuvering and control to its users.

Professional players immediately hailed it due to its potential of transforming the game dynamics.

Noteworthy was its large sweet spot, which allowed players to hit with greater accuracy and speed.

In essence, this made the game more competitive and interesting since the players could now hit with greater precision.

Consequently, having a larger sweet spot was advantageous in enhancing the player’s performance as it decreased the chances of miss hits.

Foremost, the Match Point Pro Pickleball Paddle was embraced favorably by beginners who were still learning the ropes of the game.

The paddle’s light-weight design and superior ergonomics made it easy to handle, thereby contributing to better gameplay among newcomers.

The technology and thought that went into the creation of this paddle were truly ahead of its time, giving players an edge.

The Match Point Pro Pickleball Paddle thus marked a turning point in the sport of Pickleball, setting new standards for equipment in the game.

Newer designs and models since then have strived to emulate and further refine the successful aspects of this paddle.

The paddle’s success indeed attests to the continuous growth and development witnessed by the sport of Pickleball since its inception.

Holbrook Mav Pro Pickleball Paddle Review

This short snippet can be your useful guide to understanding the design components and characteristics crucial in a pickleball paddle.

By watching, you could learn how these aspects affect the game and a player’s performance.

12. 2014: American Pickleball Association (APA) is formed.

The formation of the American Pickleball Association (APA) in the year 2014 was another watershed moment in the evolution of pickleball, demonstrating its growth and increasing popularity.

This momentous event certainly legitimized the sport in a new and significant way.

Before the creation of the APA, there was a notable lack of formalized, national organization specifically dedicated to the sport of pickleball.

The APA filled this void, providing a national structure and facilitating the expansion and promotion of pickleball within the United States.

The association was formed by a group of enthusiastic and dedicated individuals who shared a common vision of bringing pickleball to the forefront of American sports.

The American Pickleball Association served as the driving force to standardize rules, promote the sport, and facilitate its expansion across the country.

With the APA at the helm in promoting and governing the sport, the accessibility and visibility of pickleball greatly increased. This led to not only further growth in participation, but also the sport being taken more seriously at both recreational and competitive levels.

Furthermore, the creation of the APA also paved the way for increased sponsorship and funding opportunities for the sport.

Such opportunities were vital in sustaining pickleball’s growth and in financing its increasing number of events and initiatives.

Yes, it was through the formation of the APA that a platform was created for the sport to flourish at a national scale.

This was all instrumental in making pickleball more known and beloved to the American public, thereby increasing its player base and fan population.

In essence, the formation of the APA signified a formal acknowledgment of the sport’s importance and relevance in modern American culture.

It was a step that symbolized the collective intent to further pickleball’s reach and influence in the American sports scene.

In every respect, by 2014, the APA had become an essential and enduring part of the landscape of pickleball in America.

Thus, the formation of the American Pickleball Association was indeed a key milestone in the history of pickleball.

In the years that followed its establishment, the APA fulfilled its mandate and remains a pivotal player in advancing the sport of pickleball.

13. 2015: Introduction of refereed play in competitive matches

In 2015, a crucial addition to the way Pickleball matches were conducted took place with the introduction of referees in competitive matches.

This significant change brought a new level of professional rigor and fairness to the young sport.

Judicial oversight was now provided, ensuring all games adhered to the established rules and behaviors.

Referee involvement not only regulated matches better but also helped the sport gain credibility and acceptance on a broader scale.

Without a referee, prior games often relied on the honor system among players or the bias of a makeshift referee.

The decision to introduce refereed play was widely viewed as a stepping stone in Pickleball’s journey towards becoming a mainstream competitive sport.

p>It signified an attempt within the Pickleball community to inch closer to the regulatory and structural norms observed in other major sports.

This move was greatly appreciated by the players as it brought transparency and structure to the game, reducing the chances of discrepancies and disagreements during matches.

Players could now focus more on their performance and less on the adherence to rules and potential disputes.

Additionally, refereed play also helped draw more spectators to the sport, as the games became more organized and easier to follow.

Pickleball Rules | The Definitive Beginner's Resource to How to Play Pickleball

By watching the embedded video, newcomers to the sport can gain a more intricate understanding of how Pickleball is played.

It not only demonstrates the rules of the game, but also highlights the pivotal role referees have come to play in modern competitive Pickleball matches.

Overall, the introduction of refereed play honed the competitive nature of Pickleball and improved the spectator experience.

The sport’s steady progress over the last few years owes a lot to this critical step in 2015.

As such, it not only marks an important milestone in the history of Pickleball, but also sets a key precedent for the future growth of the sport.

14. 2016: First professional Pickleball tournament held

Up until the year 2016, Pickleball was primarily played at a recreational level. It had grown significantly in popularity, but professional competition was virtually non-existent.

However, the year 2016 marked a significant milestone in the sport’s history. It was the year of the first professional Pickleball tournament. This event took place in the United States, the birthplace of this increasingly popular sport.

The tournament attracted top-rated players from across the globe, signifying Pickleball’s transition from a backyard pastime to a respected professional sport.

Supporting this pivotal moment, the competition showcased highly skilled players demonstrating the sport at an unprecedented level of competency. Their performance provided spectators and enthusiasts alike a glimpse into the future of Pickleball at its highest level of play.

Equally as important, the establishment of this professional tournament encouraged a surge in Pickleball’s global recognition. It brought the sport’s profile onto a much larger stage, capturing the attention of sports fans and potential players alike, thus stimulating its further growth.

Further elevating the significance of the tournament, the event was met with media attention, highlighting the event’s importance in the sporting world. This opened the door to increased sponsorship, adding a level of professionalism previously unseen in this emerging sport.

With the success of the inaugural tournament, the foundation was laid for future professional Pickleball events. The possibility of a professional tour became a reality, further pushing the boundaries of what was possible for this exciting sport.

Notably, this inaugural tournament served as a catalyst, motivating younger athletes to consider pursuing careers in professional Pickleball. It effectively started the conversation around developing sports academies and training facilities dedicated to nurturing professional Pickleball talent.

Similarly, the establishment of the first professional tournament played a pivotal role in the creation of the Professional Pickleball Registry (PPR) the next year. The PPR went on to structure and regulate the professional side of the sport, consequently enhancing its credibility.

Looking back, the first professional Pickleball tournament was indeed a game-changer in the history of the sport. It boldly demonstrated that Pickleball was not just a leisure activity anymore, but instead a professional sport that demanded and deserved recognition on a global scale.

This monumental event underscored the evolution of Pickleball, marking its transition from a backyard game to a professional sport, recognised on a global scale. The first professional Pickleball tournament in 2016 thus marks one of the key moments in the history of the game.

As we continue to chronicle the major milestones in the history of Pickleball, we can look forward to future development and growth in professional Pickleball.

Indeed, the impact of the first professional tournament on the sport’s trajectory cannot be overstated. It has inevitably paved the way for the future progress of professional Pickleball.

15. 2016: Pickleball hits 2.5 million players in U.S.

The year 2016 marked a significant milestone in the history of Pickleball when it crossed the threshold of 2.5 million players in the United States.

With this substantial achievement, Pickleball was no longer a mere pastime, but a sport that was rapidly gaining popularity across the country.

This surge in numbers was the result of coordinated efforts by dedicated players, coaches, and associations to promote and grow the sport.

The introduction of competitive tournaments, comprehensive rulebooks, and professional associations added to the allure of Pickleball, attracting more and more people to the sport.

The transition of Pickleball from backyards to courts was inevitable, as was its evolution from an amateur game to a competitive and fun-filled sport with a massive player-base.

By hitting this milestone of 2.5 million players, Pickleball had embedded itself deep into the American sports scene.

Its appeal was widespread – from retirees and senior citizens to the younger generation looking for a fun, yet competitive game.

Though often compared to tennis, badminton, and table tennis, Pickleball had carved a niche for itself with its unique playstyle and ease of learning.

Stores across the country were stocking up on Pickleball equipment, indicating a rise in interest and a demand for the sport.

Players and enthusiasts were continuously seeking ways to enhance their skills, searches for lessons and professional coaches picked up momentum.

By reaching this player milestone, it was clear that Pickleball was not merely a game, but a community that was growing each day.

It was around this time that excitement for the game reached such a fever-pitch that a significant bronze-medal match was held at the U.S. Open Pickleball Championships:

Spectacular PRO Bronze Medal Match from the US Open Pickleball Championships 2016

Watching this video serves as a testament to the skill, precision, and dedication that these players devoted to Pickleball.

It also portrays the intense competitive environment and the spectator enthusiasm that embodied the sport at that time.

The year 2016 will forever be remembered as the year when Pickleball stood tall among traditional sports by reaching an impressive player count of 2.5 million in the U.S alone.

This was just a glimpse into the potential of Pickleball as the coming years would see this game reach new horizons and achieve greater milestones in its journey.

16. 2017: Launch of Professional Pickleball Registry (PPR)

2017 marked a significant milestone in the world of Pickleball with the establishment of the Professional Pickleball Registry (PPR).

This organization was created to provide a structure and system for the professional development of Pickleball players, coaches, and enthusiasts across the globe.

The PPR is, in fact, recognized as the official education and certification partner of the USA Pickleball Association (USAPA).

The Professional Pickleball Registry was envisioned as a means to foster the growth of the sport by introducing standards of professionalism and training within the game.

This quote succinctly encapsulates the core motivation behind the inception of the PPR. It sought to legitimize and elevate the sport, injecting a level of well-mapped out professionalism.

A key feature of the PPR’s initiatives was the introduction of a comprehensive certification process for Pickleball coaches.

As of today, the PPR prides itself on having the most extensive education platform in the entire world of Pickleball.

Moreover, it also works closely in partnership with the USA Pickleball Association to plan and implement targeted development programs for players and teams nationally.

In an attempt to make the sport more inclusive, the PPR offers resources and training for people of various skill levels, from beginners to professional athletes.

Many aspiring professional Pickleball players have been hugely benefited by the Registry’s dedicated efforts in the sport’s development and global propagation.

The PPR’s certification programs include a series of workshops, educational content, and practical assessments designed to better equip Pickleball coaches and thereby enhance the overall status of the sport.

Also, PPR members enjoy benefits such as insurance, education, and ample opportunities to earn income as a certified Pickleball professional.

In essence, the launch of the Professional Pickleball Registry in 2017 was a game-changer in the Pickleball world, offering a platform for both amateurs and professionals to learn, grow, and thrive in the sport.

It truly marked a key moment in the history of Pickleball by asserting its position in the sphere of formal sport and enabling enthusiasts to pursue Pickleball as a viable professional venture.

17. 2018: Attack 2.0 Pickleball paddle is launched

In the timeline of key moments in the history of Pickleball, the year 2018 marked a significant milestone with the launch of the Attack 2.0 Pickleball paddle.

This paddle was not just an addition to the existing range of Pickleball equipment, but it brought about a comparative revolution in the game’s playstyle.

The Attack 2.0 provided new dimensions to the game, integrating advanced technology and unique features that were previously absent in other paddles.

Brought to the market by a reputable Pickleball equipment manufacturer, the paddle was lauded for its construction and design.

The unique blend of polypropylene core and composite face in the paddle was widely praised for enhancing the player’s shots and giving superior control and power.

This combination of materials allowed for better manipulation of the ball, giving an edge to the players using the Attack 2.0 over their opponents.

It also ensured that players could make the most out of every shot, applying spin and delivering high-powered smashes with ease.

Interestingly, the Attack 2.0 paddle was designed with the concept of the sweet spot in mind. Players found that it provided a larger hitting area, hence improving accuracy.

This paddle indeed changed the game by giving players a new level of precision and strength with its larger sweet spot and sturdy construction.

Attack 2.0 Pickleball Paddle player review

Watching this player review of the Attack 2.0 Pickleball paddle will provide you with firsthand information about its features and usability. It will also offer insights into how this paddle revolutionized gameplay, offering a unique perspective from a player’s point of view.

One can see how the Attack 2.0 paddle contributed significantly to Pickleball’s growth and popularity just a year after its launch in 2018 when Pickleball counted over 3.1 million players in the U.S alone.

And, even today, when the number of Pickleball players has exceeded 4 million in the U.S, the Attack 2.0 paddle continues to be a popular choice among both beginners and professionals.

The Attack 2.0 Pickleball paddle surpassed expectations and had a huge impact on gameplay, thus earning its own special place in the history of Pickleball.

18. 2019: World Pickleball Championship Begins.

In a momentous event in 2019, the Pickleball sport saw a massive leap in its progress – the commencement of the first ever World Pickleball Championship.

Designed to bring together players from across the globe, this Championship was a manifestation of how widespread and popular the sport had grown since its inception.

This international competition established itself as a platform to showcase talent and skill, fostering global recognition and acceptance of Pickleball.

Pickleball amateurs and professionals alike, inspired by the large scale and prestige of the Championship, aspired to elevate their game and participate.

It motivated players to advance their skills and partake in this prestigious competition, thus further promoting the sport and its players in areas where it was lesser-known.

The inception of the World Pickleball Championship was a major breakthrough for the sport, bringing it attention and legitimacy on an international scale.

Players from different countries competed enthusiastically, adding to the competitive spirit and entertainment aspect of the game.

The Championship served as a medium to foster the unity and camaraderie among players that Pickleball is known for.

The importance of the traditional values of sportsmanship, respect, and fairness were highlighted during this event, reflecting the true spirit of Pickleball.

It augmented the global acceptance of Pickleball, further fuelling its fan base and encouraging more individuals to take it up.

Several notable and prominent players emerged from this championship, who brought new strategies, techniques, and improved versions of play to the field.

Incorporating the World Pickleball Championship into the sport’s annual calendar marked a significant milestone in the history of Pickleball, making it a globally watched and respected sport.

As a championship of such scale and magnitude took place, locations that were previously unfamiliar with the game had a chance to learn about and embrace it.

As the world turned its gaze onto the Championship, it paved the way for the introduction of Pickleball to the sports curriculum in many schools and sports clubs, thus perpetuating its reach.

Therefore, the commencement of the World Pickleball Championship in 2019 has indeed been a turning point in the journey of this sport, promising more exciting developments in the years to come.

19. 2020: Pickleball enters Pan American Games.

The year 2020 brought a milestone achievement for Pickleball when it was introduced into the prestigious Pan American Games.

This major international sports event encompasses North, South, and Central America, providing a vast platform for Pickleball to expand its reach.

Featuring Pickleball in such a highly esteemed platform was a clear indicator of the sport’s growing prominence.

Moreover, being part of the Pan American Games affirmed the sport’s status and credibility in the sports community.

Pickleball’s addition to the Pan American Games came just over a half-century since the sport was first invented in 1965.

Pickleball had come a long way from being a backyard sport to being featured in an international sports event.

It’s a testament to the enthusiasm and dedication of millions of Pickleball players, coaches, and fans across the globe.

It’s also evidence of the sport’s increasing popularity and acceptance worldwide.

Apart from the United States, many countries in the Americas have been welcoming Pickleball.


And for those who are keen to learn more about the sport, watching this video can offer a glimpse of some high-intensity Pickleball action.

It could also be a good learning resource for players looking to enhance their defensive techniques.

Being included in the Pan American Games potentially opened doors for more international pickleball events.

It also might have been the catalyst for the sport to be considered in other major international sporting events.

Above all, it emphasizes the growing acceptance of Pickleball as a serious, competitive sport.

Yet, despite these achievements, the Pickleball community continues to aim higher, with goals to increase the sport’s global reach.

There’s no doubt that the inclusion of Pickleball in the Pan American Games has significantly impacted the sport’s history.

20. 2021: Over 4 million Pickleball players in U.S.

The year 2021 was a significant one for the sport of Pickleball in the United States, truly reflecting the sport’s growth and popularity.

Recorded data showed that there were over 4 million Pickleball players in the U.S. alone in this year.

This was a remarkable increase from previous years, illustrating the rapid development of the sport.

The exponential growth in players can be attributed to various factors, including the sport’s accessibility and appeal to all ages.

Pickleball’s simplicity and low physical demand make it an attractive sport for both the young and the elderly.

This quote highlights one of the key reasons for Pickleball’s massive success. The sport’s simplicity makes it easy to learn and its low physical demand makes it a universally appealing game.

Therefore, it’s not surprising to see the player base growing each year.

Another reason that has been linked to the growth in popularity is the community spirit that surrounds the game.

Many players have expressed that the camaraderie and spirit of friendly competition have drawn them into the sport.

Moreover, the accessibility of the sport, which typically requires minimal equipment and can be played in various settings, also increased its popularity.

Efforts made by the official Pickleball organizations also contributed to the growth as well.

The continuous improvement of the rules, addition of tournaments, and efforts to globalize the sport – all these factors attracted many new players.

Pickleball has also received increased coverage in the media, improving its visibility and exposure.

Local clubs, communities, school programs, and recreational centers have all taken active steps towards promoting Pickleball, thereby increasing its reach.

Such initiatives provide easier access to Pickleball for people of all ages and abilities, boosting its popularity.

With the sport’s increasing following, the future of Pickleball seems to be on a promising trajectory.

Given its growth so far, it’s exciting to think of what the future might hold for Pickleball and its booming community of players.

21. 2021: CBS airs Pro Pickleball Championship.

In the year 2021, there was yet another monumental occurrence in the world of Pickleball; it broke into mainstream television with CBS airing the Pro Pickleball Championship.

This major leap not only gave Pickleball its long-awaited deserving recognition but also exposed it to a larger, diverse audience across the United States.

With the broadcasting of the championship, the sport that was first played for fun garnered even more national attention, placing Pickleball on the radar of millions of viewers who were previously unfamiliar with the game.

This notable event would in effect cause a domino effect spurring the growth of the sport.

Broadcasting the Pro Pickleball Championship on CBS worked as a massive catalyst driving a surge in the already growing Pickleball popularity.

With CBS being a widely-watched and highly influential network, this transformative moment, undoubtedly, played a vast role in the numbers of enthusiasts the sport has since gained.

Furthermore, new players were inspired, existing players felt a stronger sense of community, and the sport, in general, received a significant boost in its credibility and prestige.

By airing on CBS, the sport also attracted potential sponsors and investors, further stimulating its growth and development.

PRO Men's Doubles GOLD - Minto US Open Pickleball Championships 2021 - CBS Sports Network

The above video provides an enriching glimpse into the excitement, thrill and competitive nature of this relatively new sport.

It showcases the high level of skill, strategy and physical fitness required in Professional Pickleball, aptly representing why this sport is fast becoming a favourite in the U.S.

So, the year 2021 wasn’t just another year in the chronicles of Pickleball; it marked a significant expansion in the sport’s reach and influence.

Landing a spot on CBS was a crowning achievement for Pickleball, mirroring its rising status and demonstrating its capability to resonate with a broader demographic.

While this was an astounding accomplishment, it was merely a chapter in the ever-evolving story of Pickleball.

As the sport continues on its journey, there is no doubt that there will be more amazing milestones to record in future episodes of ‘Key moments in the history of Pickleball’.

Overall, the broadcast of the Pro Pickleball Championship on CBS crystalized Pickleball’s position within the mainstream sports landscape.

The ripple effects of this significant instance in the sport’s history will undoubtedly continue to be felt in the progression and expansion of Pickleball.

The Bottom Line

Reflecting on the timeline of pickleball, it is evident that this sport has undergone tremendous growth and transformation since its inception in 1965.

Its evolution from a backyard pastime to becoming an internationally recognized sport participated in the Pan American Games speaks volumes about its popularity and acceptance.

The spread to all U.S states by 1990 and reaching 4 million players in the country in 2021, indicates a growing fandom.

Major milestones such as the organization of the first professional pickleball tournament, broadcasting of Pro Pickleball Championship by CBS, and the launching of specialized equipment like the Match Point Pro Pickleball Paddle and Attack 2.0 Pickleball Paddle testify to the increasing recognition and commercialization.

The continuous development and milestones in the sport display a strong and vibrant future of Pickleball, both as a recreational and professional sport.