15 Best Pickleball Drills for Advanced Players

Pickleball, an exciting fusion of tennis, badminton, and ping-pong, is fast becoming a popular pastime for individuals of all skill levels.

In the world of this dynamic sport, advanced players know that continuous skill development is key to staying competitive.

A well-designed drill can assist these players in fine-tuning their game, improving response times and enhancing overall agility.

This piece aims to provide insight into the most effective drills that can help raise one’s game a notch higher.

With informative content grounded on professional advice and practical application, it is intended to serve as a valuable resource.

Let us delve deep into uncovering the techniques that can hone advanced pickleball skills more efficiently.

Best Pickleball Drills For Advanced Players

1. Solo Wall Practice for Shot Accuracy

Shot accuracy is a fundamental skill required in advanced pickleball play, and solo wall practice is a perfect drill to hone this aptitude.

The concept is simple: stand a safe distance away from a wall with your paddle and a ball.

Hit the ball towards the wall and let it bounce once before hitting it again.

This self-reliant drill allows the player to adjust the frequency and vigor of their successful shots.

Emphasis on the diagonal or straight shots to the wall can help you practice and improve accuracy.

Shot control is a key factor in pickleball, and this drill gives you the freedom to work on the power and placement of your hits.

While the wall does not replicate an opponent’s unpredictable movements, it does provide a consistent surface to return your shots.

In essence, the wall becomes an infinite partner, ready to return your hits at a consistent pace and angle, allowing you to perfect your aim without deviation.

Supporting this objective, the wall returns the ball in a steady fashion, helping you detect patterns and adjust your reactions and shot placement accordingly.

The consistency in the wall’s ‘returns’ makes this drill paramount for any experienced player aiming to master shot accuracy.

Discipline, focus, and consistency are the cornerstones of this task, as the key goal is to refine the precision and aim of your strokes.

It is not the complexity of the drill, but the relentless fine-tuning of each stroke that progresses your performance in pickleball games.

Players might find themselves hitting either too hard or too soft at the start but do not get discouraged.

With each hit, each rally, your control and understanding of the ball’s path will enhance.

A valuable asset to have in your repertoire, improving your shot accuracy can disrupt your opponent’s rhythm and catch them off guard, giving you a significant advantage.

Pickleball Solo Wall Drills

Watching this video will visually demonstrate how you can efficiently conduct a solo wall practice.

This practical guide emphasizes the drill’s flow and rhythm, underscoring the importance of control, power, trajectory, and placement for enhancing your shot accuracy.

2. Partner Volley Drill for Better Reflexes

The Partner Volley Drill is a fantastically effective exercise for enhancing your reflex speed in pickleball.

This drill necessitates the cooperation of two players standing approximately fifteen feet apart on opposite sides of the net.

Using their paddles, players quickly exchange swift volleys, endeavoring to maintain a rapid rhythm without letting the ball touch the ground.

The purpose of this drill is not only to increase reflex speed but also to enhance a player’s ability to hit clean shots under pressure.

Improving your reflexes and response time is crucial for advanced pickleball, especially when facing skilled opponents who may serve swift or unexpected shots.

The Partner Volley Drill challenges you to anticipate your competitor’s moves, execute quick decisions, and act immediately, all the while maintaining precision and control over your volleys.

The above quote underscores why this drill is so valuable for advanced players.

This drill’s emphasis on rapid decision making and fast reflexes under pressure mimics the fast-paced conditions of a high-stakes match.

By repeatedly practicing this drill, players can enhance their ability to swiftly react to their opponents moves, leading to a better in-game performance.

In real-game situations, applying the quick volleying skills honed in this drill could make the difference between winning and losing a point.

It’s worth noting that while the intensity of this drill provides a great workout for your reflexes, it also requires a high level of focus.

Players must remain constantly alert to their partner’s actions, ready to respond rapidly to any shot that comes their way.

This continuous focus improves a player’s ability to concentrate during a game, another important skill for advanced pickleball.

Additionally, because the game is played at a quickened pace, the Partner Volley Drill also serves as a substantial cardio workout.

This allows players not only to practice their swift volleying skills but also to strengthen their physical endurance, an essential attribute for succeeding in pickleball.

As you can see, the Partner Volley Drill for Better Reflexes offers numerous benefits that can significantly contribute to a player’s advancement in pickleball.

3. Dink Drill for Perfecting Soft Shots

One of the key skills an advanced pickleball player should master is executing powerful soft shots, also known as dinks.

While the majority of pickleball drills are geared towards increasing speed, power or accuracy, the Dink Drill instead focuses on perfecting soft shots.

These shots are meant to land in the non-volley zone of the opposing player’s court, forcing them to hit the ball after a bounce, rather than in the air.

Mid-rally, controlled soft shots can be a game-changer for an advanced pickleball player.

It’s an excellent opportunity to regain your positioning on the court, buy yourself time, and throw off your opponent’s rhythm.

The Dink Drill focuses on the principle of hitting shots subtly over the net, soft enough that they don’t get smashed back but accurate enough that they don’t offer easy put-aways.

Every advanced player needs to know when to put pace on the ball and when to take it off.

The Dink Drill can assist in refining your soft shots and enhancing the strategy component of your game.

A successful dink shot requires correctness in stroke mechanics, timing, placement, and touch.

This tricky shot can be perfected with repetitive practice, consistency, and patience, and the Dink Drill can be the perfect exercise for achieving this.

How To Increase Your Dink Control & Consistency | Figure 8 Pickleball Dinking Drill

The video link above shows how you can practice this drill.

Through watching, you’ll learn the technique involved in executing perfect dinks and discover helpful tips to improve your soft shot consistency and control.

So, whether you’re practicing alone or with a partner, the Dink Drill can significantly help you in honing your soft shot skills.

You can set goals like a certain number of successful dinks in a row or a specific number of dinks within a certain time limit to challenge yourself more.

Over time, you will notice substantial improvements in your control over soft shots, your ability to change the pace of the game, and your overall game strategy.

Remember, the goal of the Dink Drill isn’t necessarily to become faster or stronger—but to become more skilled, more precise, and hence, more unpredictable to your opponents.

Therefore, developing a steady and accurate soft shot, or dink, is an indispensable tactic for an advanced pickleball player.

4. Service Drill for Improving Aim and Force

Your service in pickleball plays a critical role in setting the tone for each point, hence it needs to be practiced regularly.

Perfecting your service involves focusing not just on the power you put behind the ball but also on the accuracy of your aim.

One excellent drill to improve your serving skills involves setting up target zones in different areas of your opponent’s court.

This requires a good understanding of the pickleball court dimensions and the rules around serving for you to set up your targets correctly.

The key to this drill is to aim for a perfect combination of strength and precision, ensuring that you can place your serve exactly where you want it to be with the right amount of force.

Having the right focus in mind, you enhance your serve’s effectiveness by increasing the chances of catching your opponent off-guard and winning more points directly off your serve.

Starting off, try focusing on getting your serves deep and towards the sidelines of the court, making it difficult for your opponent to attack right off the return.

It’s also crucial to practice serving with varying amounts of force, and aiming at different zones on the court to keep your opponent guessing where your next serve will go.

Another benefit of this drill is improving your body coordination.

As you make the motion to serve, you’re engaging your arm, shoulder, and wrist all at once, which will help in improving body coordination.

As you get better and more consistent with hitting your target zones, you can make the drill more challenging by shrinking the size of the target zone or by incorporating a time limit for how quickly you need to serve.

An effective serving technique requires practice, patience, and consistency, so make this drill a regular part of your practice sessions.

By doing so, you will also build muscle memory, allowing your body to get used to the movements involved in serving.

This in turn, helps in delivering strong, precise serves even under pressure during competitive matches.

Remember that a good serve can give you an advantage right from the start of the point, so spending time on improving your serve can pay off in the long run.

Overall, this serving drill is an excellent way for advanced pickleball players to take their game to the next level.

5. Smash and Lob Defensive Drill

While offensive tactics can certainly rack up points in pickleball, asolid defenseis equally important and can often set the stage for a turn-around attack.

One of the most powerful displays of defensive skills is showcased during theSmash and Lob Defensive Drill.

Specifically, this drill is designed to help you better counter and respond to two of the most challenging shots in pickleball: the smash and the lob.

In this drill, one player will play the role of the attacker, continuously hitting smashes and lobs to the other player.

Meanwhile, the defensive player will focus on returning these shots, either by neutralizing the smash or hitting a challenging return to the lob.

This realistic, high-pressure drill significantly benefits any serious pickleball player by enhancing accuracy, improving timing and boosting hand-eye coordination.

The key is to stay calm and composed, accurately judging the trajectory and speed of the incoming ball, and then making the return with precision.

The secret to mastering the smash and lob drill is constant practice, patience and maintaining composure under pressure.

By persistently practicing this drill, you gradually train your body to react faster and make more accurate assessments of the incoming shots.

Moreover, by keeping composed, you increase your chances of making an effective counter-attack against powerfully delivered shots.

Another key element of this drill is footwork – the ability to swiftly move back and forth on the court to be in the best possible position to handle smashes and lobs.

With enhanced footwork and a clear strategy, those once daunting smashes and lobs will soon feel less intimidating over time.

The defensive elements in your gameplay will significantly improve, thus boosting your overall skills.

Pickleball Drills//Defending the Overhead Smash

The video embedded above provides a practical demonstration of the Smash and Lob Defensive Drill in action.

By observing the video, you can gain a better understanding of the drill’s execution and learn about useful strategies that you might not find in text-based guides.

So take your pickleball game to an advanced level by practicing the Smash and Lob Defensive Drill, and remember there’s always room for improvement.

6. Cross-Court Dinking Practice

A crucial skill to master for advanced pickleball players is cross-court dinking.

This specific drill concentrates on soft, arching shots, designed to initiate a volley close to the net and to the opposite court.

With sharp precision and control, cross-court dinking forces the opponent to move diagonally, potentially creating openings for your next shot.

Regular practice of this drill will enhance your cross-court accuracy and control over the game tempo.

Learning to control the tempo and direct the ball accurately to the opposite corner of the court is the primary objective of cross-court dinking practice.

Not just that, the added benefit of this drill is it helps increase anticipation and strategic thinking skills.

It aids players to anticipate their opponent’s movements, position themselves appropriately, and make quick decisions.

Another important aspect of this practice is consistency.

Advanced players should strive to deliver each shot with almost identical arc and speed, making it challenging for your opponent to predict or return the shot.

One needs to place the ball with such precision that it lands softly into the opposite kitchen, minimizing the chance of a forceful smash from the opponent.

This drill can prove to be a game-changer if mastered to perfection, providing a significant advantage in competitive games.

To initiate this drill, begin with a relaxed volley near the net, and with each hit, progressively aim to slowly direct the ball diagonally across the court.

It can take time and repetition to get the hang of different shot weights and angles, so patience and persistence are vital.

Perfecting cross-court dinking requires players to develop a delicate touch, precise aim, and strong understanding of the court’s geometry.

Working on improving the stroke’s subtleness and its direction can gradually build up the success rate of this essential pickleball maneuver.

Keep varying the shot’s path, and try to maintain the rhythm and momentum of the drill.

Remember, each hit should pose a challenge to the opponent, forcing them to move and readjust their position.

Practice makes perfect, and with diligent work, your cross-court dinking skill can become a major asset in your advanced pickleball toolkit.

7. 3rd Shot Drop Drill for Placement Precision

As an advanced pickleball player, one crucial aspect you need to refine is your ability to make precise placements with the 3rd shot drop drill.

This drill entails successfully executing a soft, controlled shot into your opponent’s non-volley zone immediately after the serve and return of serve shots.

Executing this particular drill demands intricate skills, specifically a blend of touch, timing, and accuracy.

By practicing this drill, you get to improve your paddle control and hence increase your chances of delivering shots that are challenging for your opponents to attack.

Simultaneously, you cultivate a keen eye for gap identification and accuracy to enable you to exploit these weak spots during a competitive game.

Utilizing the 3rd shot drop drill, you force your opponents to lift the ball, disrupting the flow of their game, and giving you a scoring advantage.

Apart from score accumulation, the 3rd shot drop shot also allows for an element of strategic game management by facilitating your transition from a baseline position to a maximum impact position at the non-volley zone line.

This scoring and court positioning advantage inevitably creates an unequal balance of momentum in your favor.

Therefore, perfecting the 3rd shot drop drill can significantly increase your chances of winning tough pickleball matches.

One important aspect of this drill is being able to make quick and articulately accurate decisions under extreme pressure.

3rd Shot Drop Pickleball Lesson

By watching this video, you can vividly understand and get a detailed demo of how best to execute a 3rd shot drop.

Moreover, the video also emphasizes on how to effectively shift from the base line to the non-volley zone with utmost precision and speed.

While perfecting this drill may require time and consistent practice, its mastery is worth it because of the intimidating game advantage it offers.

Advanced players must therefore commit to consistent practice and seek to perfect their execution of the 3rd shot drop drill routinely.

The 3rd Shot drop is a crucial part of the game that every advanced pickleball player must strive to master for a competitive edge and overall improved performance during matches.

8. Forehand and Backhand Drill for Stroke Mastery

Considered as an essential pickleball drill, the Forehand and Backhand Drill for Stroke Mastery focuses on perfecting two of the primary strokes in pickleball.

It is a drill designed to ensure the development of both the forehand and backhand strokes, creating a balance between power and control.

Both the forehand and backhand shots in pickleball make up the majority of the shots in any given game, and having a command over these two strokes can greatly improve your overall performance.

Pickleball players need to understand that having a powerful forehand or a backhand stroke is not all that matters, the placement and control are of equal importance.

Here, the mentioned quote iterates on the significance of placement and control while executing the forehand and backhand strokes, along with power. It highlights the idea of stroke mastery being about more than just generating power.

Practicing the forehand and backhand strokes under different conditions and placements can help you adapt to the various challenges you might face during a real match situation.

This drill requires players to practice multiple shots in quick succession. The more shots you manage to execute without error, the better your forehand and backhand skills become.

During this drill, it can be beneficial to keep a focus on the techniques of the shots rather than just the power with which you hit the ball.

This can be a completely adaptable drill, making it one of the most effective drills for advanced players looking to polish their shot-making abilities.

The Forehand and Backhand Stroke Mastery drill is designed to be progressive, enabling a gradual build-up in stroke complexity as your skills improve.

Practicing the forehand and backhand shots against various types of returns can also help you perfect your strokes.

By continuously working on these primary strokes, players can significantly improve their competitive performance.

This drill, apart from aiding in mastering the strokes, also helps in enhancing your overall coordination, strategizing ability, and ball anticipation skills.

Furthermore, incorporating this drill into your regular training regime can have a noticeable impact on your stamina and ability to remain focused during long rallies.

Ultimately, the Forehand and Backhand Drill for Stroke Mastery is a fundamental exercise for any advanced pickleball player aiming for a comprehensive improvement in their game.

9. Partner Ladder Drill for Footwork Speed

The Partner Ladder Drill is a fantastic way to hone your footwork speed in pickleball. This drill requires a partner and a ladder, or cones laid out to form a ladder shape on the ground.

What sets this drill apart is its focus on speed and agility, two vital aspects for advanced pickleball players.

In this drill, you and your partner will alternate running through the ladder in different patterns while simultaneously maintaining control of the ball.

The goal of this drill is not only to improve your quickness but also to enhance your capability to maintain a rally under high levels of speed and pressure.

To make the Partner Ladder Drill more challenging and effective, you can include a volley exchange at the end of each ladder run.

By incorporating a volley exchange, you will be simulating a live match situation where you would need to move quickly and easily transition into a shot.

Regular practice of this drill will help in increasing fluidity and speed of your foot movements while maintaining precision in shots.

The Partner Ladder Drill conditions your body to react instinctively to fast-paced situations through consistent repetition and practice.

It’s not only a way to improve quickness, but also a way to build endurance because the drill can be quite physically demanding.

This intensity helps prepare you for match situations where you need to maintain high-speed footwork over long periods of time.

Pickleball is a sport that requires a lower center of gravity, and the ladder drill focusses mainly on this aspect.

Watch this video for a visual example of how this drill works: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dCa_hokjbd0

This video will provide you with practical instructions and demonstrations on how to effectively undertake this drill.

It will elucidate the nuances of proper footwork, thereby extending your understanding of the concept.

In conclusion, the Partner Ladder Drill is a dynamic and demanding drill that pushes you physically while honing your footwork speed and shot precision, making it a necessary part of advanced pickleball training.

10. Overhead Slam Practice for Strategic Offense

The overhead slam can pose a significant threat during a dynamic game of pickleball, granting a powerful shot that can swiftly change the game’s pace.

Advanced pickleball players need to master this vital stroke for a more strategic and effective offensive plan.

Accuracy, timing, and power all play crucial roles in perfecting this explosive shot.

Beginning with tossing the ball straight up in the air and hitting it at its highest point can serve as an effective way of practicing the overhead slam.

Incorporating this practice into your drill can prove to be a game-changer.

Following the ball with your eyes until the paddle makes contact is vital in improving your accuracy.

A successful overhead slam requires not just the arm strength but also the coordinated movements of the entire body.

The perfect power and precision come from the torso’s twist, the shoulder rotation, the arm extension, and the final wrist snap.

This holistic involvement of the body parts ensures a fierce yet controlled force that sends the ball swiftly towards the opponent’s side.

Through frequent training, the overhead slam can transform into an impactful tool in your offensive arsenal.

Focusing on the speed, power, and accuracy of the shot as you practice, can help you gain confidence and enhances your in-game performance.

Practicing against a wall, initially at a slow pace and gradually increasing the speed with consistent hits, can bring a marked difference in your overhead slam proficiency.

Furthermore, strength exercises targeting your upper body can be of great help in increasing the velocity of your shot.

Strategic placement of your overhead slam can leave your opponent scrambling, providing you a commanding position on the court.

Drills that simulate game-like scenarios can prepare you for quick decision-making when the opportunity for an overhead slam presents itself during a match.

Therefore, effective practice and incorporation of the overhead slam into your gameplay can elevate your performance, making you a formidable competitor.

11. Sideline to Midline Drill for Shot Angle

Helping you to perfect the angle of your shots in pickleball is the Sideline to Midline Drill.

Ensuring your angles are accurate can be a deciding factor in whether you win or lose a game.

This drill focuses on improving the arcs of your return balls by forcing you to hit the balls at varying angles, from sideline to midline.

Hence, success in this drill is not just about hitting the ball, but about hitting the ball at the accurate angle to make it land where you want it to.


It is important to not just focus on getting the ball over the net, but also ensuring it lands at the right angle.

Enforcing this thought pattern and level of precision can greatly improve your gameplay.

Hence, this drill tests your ability to accurately control the direction and speed of your ball.

By gaining stronger control over these elements, your gameplay will be noticeably more strategic and effective.

The difficulty and intensity of this drill can be increased by introducing movement from sideline to midline while maintaining the accuracy of the angled shots.

Remember, this drill is all about control and precision, not speed or power.

How To Practice Pickleball By Yourself - 3 Different Ways

You can check out the video above to observe firsthand how improving your shot angle can greatly affect your overall game performance.

It offers visual learning of the important tips and techniques mentioned here and greatly augments your understanding of the strategic element of pickleball.

By working on this drill, you are bound to see a significant improvement in your game strategy.

Moreover, practicing it regularly will make you more comfortable with varying shot angles and increase the versatility of your game.

Remember to always target the sidelines or midlines with your shots as this makes it harder for your opponents to return the ball comfortably.

With the right amount of practice, the Sideline to Midline Drill can truly help you excel as a more advanced pickleball player.

12. Speed-Up Drill for Quick Decision-Making

The speed-up drill is an extremely effective exercise for improving your decision-making abilities under pressure in Pickleball.

Being able to think fast and react accordingly is a crucial skill for advanced Pickleball players, and this drill is specifically designed to help you improve in this area.

The main goal of this drill is to force you to make decisions quickly, enhancing your ability to perform under stress, which is a typical situation in competitive matches.

To carry out this drill, you need a playing partner who will constantly increase the pace of the game, forcing you to adapt and make quick decisions.


The dynamic nature of this game propels a constant shift in circumstances, making it essential for you to develop the ability to judge and make quick decisions right on the spot.

This exercise not only improves decision-making abilities, but it also works on your footwork, hand-eye coordination and reflexes, which are all key elements for an advanced Pickleball player.

By practicing this drill regularly, you will find your response time significantly improving, giving you a considerable edge in actual competitive games.

Remember to practice this drill both on your forehand and backhand sides to maintain a balanced performance level.

This drill works best when you combine it with other exercises that work on precision and control.

Like any other skill, quick decision-making is something that can be mastered through regular practice and persistence.

The speed-up drill, despite being challenging, is a fun way to train as it simulates real game scenarios and adds a level of unpredictability that makes the practice more exciting.

Improving quick decision-making abilities also boosts your mental toughness, a quality that is equally important as physical strength in competitive Pickleball.

With enhanced decision-making skills, not only will you be able to outwit your opponent, but you will also get better at anticipating their moves, giving you a significant advantage in the court.

Overall, the speed-up drill has numerous benefits that help you develop into a more agile and strategic Pickleball player.

13. Full Court Scramble for Stamina and Accuracy

In the world of pickleball, stamina and accuracy are two interconnected skills that advanced players need to consistently work on improving.

The full court scramble drill is particularly effective at honing these skills.

During this drill, players need to actively move around the court, striking the ball accurately while maintaining their stamina.

In the full court scramble drill, continuous movement and hitting the ball at different heights and angles are paramount activities which simulate real match situations.

This simulation of match-like conditions is a great way to up your game.

It gives players a chance to put their stamina to the test while still focusing on the accuracy of their shots.

It goes without saying that this drill can be physically demanding, but it is well worth it.

To get started with the full court scramble drill, players should position themselves at the base of the pickleball court.

The aim is to return all balls to the opposite court while continuously moving.

Players should aim to hit balls back across the court from a variety of positions and angles.

This not only improves accuracy but also helps players learn to handle balls that come at them from different directions.

Becoming comfortable with this unpredictability is a crucial component of advanced pickleball.

For a visual demonstration on how to best implement this drill and fully understand its mechanics, check this out:

Remember, the goal of this drill is not only to enhance your physical stamina but also your mental endurance and decision-making abilities under continuous active play.

Don’t worry if you don’t get it right the first few times; perseverance is key!

With continuous practice, the Full Court Scramble Drill will unquestionably enhance both your stamina and your shot accuracy, two critical skills in pickleball.

So get out there, keep practicing, and watch your game reach new heights!

14. Alternating Forehand and Backhand Shots

The alternating forehand and backhand shots drill is an instrumental exercise in mastering the art of pickleball, especially for advanced players.

It not only improves your striking skills, but it’s also a comprehensive drill that enhances your overall game performance.

This drill focuses on enhancing your forehand and backhand shots, which are critical aspects of the game.

The core objective is to progress your accuracy, speed, and consistency on both forehand and backhand strokes.

Success in pickleball is highly dependent on how well a player can alternate between forehand and backhand shots seamlessly.

Having acknowledged this fact, it is a drill that all advanced pickleball players should incorporate in their training.

It enables you to strike the ball with either hand confidently, thus making you a more versatile player.

What’s more, the drill also helps increase the player’s stamina as it involves a lot of rapid movements and reflexes.

This alternating forehand and backhand shots drill is done by having two players on opposite sides of the net, hitting back and forth with unequivocal alternation between forehand and backhand shots.

By doing so, not only does the player enhance their hitting skills, but they also improve their footwork and shot placement.

To effectively facilitate this drill, it is crucial that players keep their eyes on the ball at all times.

This helps them to maintain coordination, thus enhancing their overall pickleball performance.

The drill also necessitates that players maintain the correct grip through the entire process of alternating between the forehand and backhand shots.

A player must also maintain balance and control during the drill, as good balance enables the player to recover quickly and ready themselves for the next shot.

It’s not about how fast you can alternate between the shots, but rather your ability to maintain accuracy and control throughout.

Thus, the alternating forehand and backhand shots drill is a pickleball drill that can greatly enhance a player’s consistency on the court.

It equips them with the prowess to interchange between forehand and backhand shots swiftly and efficiently, thus making them invaluable players on the court.

15. Serving and Returning Drill for Consistency

Pickleball is primarily a game of accuracy and strategy, and the serve and return play an integral part in it.

To perfect your serve and return shots, one of the best drills to undertake is the serving and returning drill.

This drill, focused on providing consistency in your shots, is tailored to help you fine-tune both your serving and return shots for pickleball.

The benefits that accrue from regular practice of this drill are unmatched, hence its inclusion in the Best Pickleball Drills for Advanced Players.

With the drill, your ability to consistently hit precise serves and return shots will dramatically improve.

Serves in pickleball, unlike in tennis, are not meant to be powerful, rather they should be accurate.

To perfect your serves, serve repeatedly to the serving box across the net, aiming to land the ball near the baseline frequently.

You’ll gain superior control in your serving skill as you get proficient at placing the ball just inside the baseline, which will put your opponents on the defense initially.

After mastering serving, concentrate on your return of serve.

This often underrated shot is actually of immense importance as it could make the difference between setting the tone for the side-out if well executed or losing a point.

Practice driving low returns crosscourt with purposeful direction and speed.

Besides, include a mix of deep and short returns to add variety to your game strategy.

While practicing this drill, make sure both the serve and return are executed under the rules of the game to make the practice sessions realistic.

Your ability to deliver consistent serves and returns will significantly improve your pickleball strategies.

Deep Serves & Returns | How to start each point on a high note

You stand to gain insightful tactics and tips on how to make your deep serves more effective and also how to smartly return each serve to start each point on a high note.

These practical demonstrations will certainly enhance your understanding of the drill and how to apply it successfully in your games.

The Bottom Line

After a studied review of various drills you can use to enhance your pickleball skills, it becomes evident that continual practice is fundamental to success.

By incorporating these drills into your training routine, you will see a significant improvement in shot accuracy, reflexes, soft shots, service aim and power, defensive responses, cross-court strategies, placement precision, stroke mastery, footwork speed, strategic offense, shot angles, decision-making speed, stamina, and consistency.

Perfecting these components equates to overall proficiency in the sport.

Remember, the key lies in persistence, practice, and patience.

Use these drills to help evolve your game, whether you’re a beginner aiming for steady improvement, or an experienced player striving for pickleball mastery.